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Seasonal foods for good year-round activity of the brain

Seasonal foods for good year-round activity of the brain

Yes, your brain is your most important ally in the heavy learning process you are going through, but remember it is foremost of all the `computer` that controls the functioning of your entire body. So feed yourself wisely to support your brain’s activity.

  • Nuts & seeds: walnuts, almonds, peanuts, pumpkin & sunflower seeds are high in protein and omega fatty acids; both these types of nutrients help the neurons communicate with each other, creating synapses.
  • Broccoli: is packed with vitamin K, proven to support the memory and the cognitive processes. It also contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant substances that protect the brain against damage from free radicals and through the ageing process.
  • Beans are important for supporting brain activity due to their important content of vitamin B that relieves `brain fog`, improving mind clarity.
  • Avocado’s vitamin E protects brain cells’ membranes from deterioration caused by the free radicals, respectively the omega fatty acids are essential for brain development.

Hope we’ve made it a lot easier for you to fill up your plate at this season’s meals. And always remember that we, at Stradale, cook for your health, soul, mood, and mind.